

PLEASE NOTE: CCHP is providing the following for informational purposes only. We are not providing legal advice or interpretation of the laws and regulations and policies. CCHP encourages you to check with the appropriate state agency for further information and direction. This information should not be construed as legal counsel. Consult with an attorney if you are seeking a legal opinion.

At A Glance
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  • Live Video: Yes
  • Store-and-Forward: Yes
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Yes
  • Audio Only: Yes


  • Law Exists: Yes
  • Payment Parity: No


  • Licensure Compacts: ALSP-IC, CC, EMS, IMLC, NLC, OT, PSY, PTC, SW
  • Consent Requirements: Yes


  1. Medicaid Program: HealthNet
  2. Administrator: Missouri Dept. of Social Services
  3. Regional Telehealth Resource Center: Heartland Telehealth Resource Center

PLEASE NOTE: CCHP is providing the following for informational purposes only. We are not providing legal advice or interpretation of the laws and regulations and policies. CCHP encourages you to check with the appropriate state agency for further information and direction. This information should not be construed as legal counsel. Consult with an attorney if you are seeking a legal opinion.

Last updated 09/05/2023


“Telehealth” or “telemedicine”, the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store-and-forward technology.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Title XXIV Business and Professions, Sec. 376.1900, which references Sec. Title XII Public Health and Welfare Sec. 208.670 which references Title XII Sec. 191.1145. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023



A health carrier may not exclude an otherwise covered health care service from coverage solely because the service is provided through telehealth rather than face-to-face consultation or contact between a health care provider and a patient.  A health carrier or health benefit plan may limit coverage for health care services that are provided through telehealth to health care providers that are in a network approved by the plan or the health carrier.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statutes § 376.1900. (Accessed Sept. 2023).


Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan

Virtual visits offered through the vendor’s telehealth tool are covered at one hundred percent (100%) after deductible is met.

SOURCE:  MO Consolidated State Reg. 22:10-2.053, 2.047 & 22:10-3.055, 3.058, 3.059 [mentioned in several sections] (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023


Each health carrier or health benefit plan that offers or issues health benefit plans which are delivered, issued for delivery, continued, or renewed in this state on or after January 1, 2014, shall not deny coverage for a health care service on the basis that the health care service is provided through telehealth if the same service would be covered if provided through face-to-face diagnosis, consultation, or treatment.

A health carrier may not exclude an otherwise covered health care service from coverage solely because the service is provided through telehealth rather than face-to-face consultation or contact between a health care provider and a patient.

A health carrier shall not be required to reimburse a telehealth provider or a consulting provider for site origination fees or costs for the provision of telehealth services; however, subject to correct coding, a health carrier shall reimburse a health care provider for the diagnosis, consultation, or treatment of an insured or enrollee when the health care service is delivered through telehealth on the same basis that the health carrier covers the service when it is delivered in-person.

A health carrier or health benefit plan may limit coverage for health care services that are provided through telehealth to health care providers that are in a network approved by the plan or the health carrier.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statutes § 376.1900. (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (State employees and retirees health plan)

Telehealth services are covered for the diagnosis, consultation, or treatment of a member on the same basis that the service would be covered when it is delivered in person.

SOURCE: MO Consolidated State Reg. 22:10-3.057. pg. 23, April 30, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telehealth site origination fees or costs for the provision of telehealth services are not covered.

SOURCE: MO State Regulation Title 22, Sec. 10-3.061, & 2.061 (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/06/2023


“Telehealth” or “telemedicine”, the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store-and-forward technology.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Title XII Public Health and Welfare Sec. 208.670 which references Title XII Sec. 191.1145. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telemedicine – the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies that facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a participant’s health care while such participant is at the originating site and the provider is at the distant site. Telemedicine shall also include the use of telephonic or asynchronous store-and-forward technology. Telemedicine services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face to face service.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Originating and Distant Site Reimbursement Scenarios, & MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telemedicine services are health care services provided through information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management and self-management of a patient’s health care while the patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Overview, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telemedicine [telehealth] Services are health care services provided through information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, 2.67 p. 112 (9/1/23), & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 59 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telemedicine shall mean the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies that facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a participant’s health care while such participant is at the originating site and the provider is at the distant site. Telemedicine shall also include the use of telephonic or asynchronous store-and-forward technology. Telemedicine services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service.

SOURCE:  MO Code of State Regulations 13 CSR 70-3.330(B)(5) (7/31/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Telehealth Services are health care services provided through information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site.

Telehealth offers participants, particularly those in rural areas of the state, access to health care services without having to travel extensive miles for an appointment.

SOURCE:  MO HealthNet, Rural Health Clinic, Provider Manual, 1.14, pg. 10 (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Department of Health and Senior Services – Comprehensive Emergency Medical Services Systems

Telemedicine–the use of medical information exchanged from one (1) site to another via electronic communications to improve patient’s health status. A neurology specialist will assist the physician in the center in rendering a diagnosis. This may involve a patient “seeing” a specialist over a live, remote consult or the transmission of diagnostic images and/or video along with patient data to the specialist.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulation, Title 19, Sec. 30-40.710, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Mental Health

Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies that facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a participant’s health care while such participant is at the originating site and the provider is at the distant site. Telemedicine shall also include the use of telephonic or asynchronous store-and-forward technology. Telemedicine services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service.

SOURCE: MO 13 CSR 70-3.330, MO Division of Behavioral Health, Community Treatment Program, July 8, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023)

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store-and-forward technology.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

Email, Phone & Fax

MHD also allowed the use of telephone for telehealth services, and allowed quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.

SOURCE:  MO Medicaid Provider Tips, Telehealth services, March 27, 2023, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Mental Health

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice-only discussion between an individual and the service provider.

The CR Modifier will be ending on June 30, 2022, regardless of the PHE declaration end date.

Starting July 1, 2022, Audio-Only services shall utilize the FQ Modifier.

The GT modifier will continue to be utilized for Telemedicine, with the exception of CSTAR programs that have transitioned to American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), as this billing structure no longer utilizes modifiers.

Starting July 1, 2022, CSTAR programs that have transitioned to ASAM, will use the 02 Place of Service, instead of the GT modifier.

See bulletin for audio-only service guidance.

SOURCE:  MO Division of Behavioral Health, Community Treatment Program, July 8, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Behavioral Health Crisis Centers

The center shall be staffed by a multidisciplinary team who is able to respond to the needs of individuals experiencing all levels of crisis. Staff shall include but is not limited to-

  • Medical director-a licensed psychiatrist (available via telemedicine or audio-only). The medical director for the BHCC/U-BHCC can be the same individual who serves in this capacity for the CCBHO.

SOURCE: 9 CSR 30-7.010, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

Live Video


Services provided through telemedicine [or telehealth, as referred to in Rural Health Clinics manual] must meet the standard of care that would otherwise be expected should such services be provided in person.

Prior to the delivery of telehealth services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for such service. The authorization shall include the ability for the parent or guardian to authorize services via telehealth in the school for the remainder of the school year.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, 2.67 p. 112 (9/1/23), Provider Manual, Rural Health Clinics, Section 1,14 p. 9 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 59 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The MO HealthNet Division reimburses for eligible services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed by a MO HealthNet provider with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Reimbursement for the distant site provider is equal to the current fee schedule allowed amount for the service provided.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Overview, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The department of social services shall reimburse providers for services provided through telehealth if such providers can ensure services are rendered meeting the standard of care that would otherwise be expected should such services be provided in-person.  Reimbursement for telehealth services shall be made in the same way as reimbursement for in-person contact; however, consideration shall also be made for reimbursement to the originating site.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 208 Sec. 208.670. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Reimbursement to the health care provider delivering the telemedicine service at the distant site shall be made at the same amount as the current fee schedule for an in person service

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(5), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

The COVID-19 public health emergency will expire on May 11, 2023. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet, will continue to allow any licensed health care provider, enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider, to provide telehealth services if the services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed. The services must be provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

Telehealth services may be provided to a MHD participant, while the participant is at an originating site, and the provider is at another location (the distant site.) The originating site facility fee cannot be billed to MO HealthNet when the originating site is the participant’s home.

There is not a separate telehealth fee schedule. Reimbursement to health care providers delivering the medical service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Provider Hot Tips, March 27, 2023, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine, (Accessed Sept. 2023).


Any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if such services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.  This section shall not be construed to prohibit a health carrier, as defined in section 376.1350, from reimbursing nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law.

Nothing in subsection 3 of this section shall apply to:

  • Informal consultation performed by a health care provider licensed in another state, outside of the context of a contractual relationship, and on an irregular or infrequent basis without the expectation or exchange of direct or indirect compensation;
  • Furnishing of health care services by a health care provider licensed and located in another state in case of an emergency or disaster; provided that, no charge is made for the medical assistance; or
  • Episodic consultation by a health care provider licensed and located in another state who provides such consultation services on request to a physician in this state

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 191.1145(6). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Reimbursement to the health care provider delivering the medical service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with place of service 02 (telehealth/telemedicine).

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, Sec. 2.67 p. 112 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 60 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Services provided through telehealth must meet the standard of care that would otherwise be expected should such services be provided in person.

Prior to the delivery of telehealth services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for such service. The authorization shall include the ability for the parent or guardian to authorize services via telehealth in the school for the remainder of the school year.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, 2.67 p. 112 (9/1/23), Provider Manual, Rural Health Clinics, Section 1,14 p. 9 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 59 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

There is not a separate telemedicine fee schedule. Reimbursement to health care providers delivering the medical service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided.

SOURCE:  MO Medicaid Provider Tips, Telemedicine, July 18, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Behavioral Health Services

Telemedicine is subject to the same precertification requirements. Claims submitted for behavioral health telemedicine services without a required precertification will be denied.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Provider Tips (Nov. 22, 2022). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Behavioral Health Crisis Centers

Direct services shall be provided by a licensed physician (includes psychiatrist) or licensed psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP), advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), physician assistant, resident physician (includes psychiatrist), and/or assistant physician in a written collaborative practice arrangement with a physician and with experience treating the target population. Services may be provided via telemedicine.

SOURCE: 9 CSR 30-7.010, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Comprehensive Substance Abuse Treatment & Rehabilitation (CSTAR) Program

Communication with a collateral contact may be made face to face, by phone, or by telehealth platforms. See manual for code list.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, CSTAR Manual, Sec. 2.9 K p. 44 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Community Psych Rehab Program

Several services are covered if delivered via telehealth. See manual for specific services.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Community Psych Rehab Program Manual,  (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Home Health

The face-to-face encounter may occur through telehealth, as allowed by State law.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Home Health Manual, Sec. 2.7, p. 12. (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).


MHD covers teledentistry services for participants under the age of 21, blind, pregnant or in a SNF. This benefit allows any licensed dental provider, enrolled with MO HealthNet, to provide teledentistry services if the services are within the scope of practice for which the dental provider is licensed. Teledentistry services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service.

Prior to the delivery of teledentistry services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for such service. The authorization shall include the ability for the parent or guardian to authorize services via teledentistry in the school for the remainder of the school year.

The MO HealthNet Dental Program allows reimbursement for CDT codes D9995 (Synchronous; real time encounter) and D9996 (Asynchronous; information stored and forwarded to dentist for subsequent review).

Teledentistry services must be billed by the distant site facility (physical location of the dentist or clinic providing the dental service to an eligible Medicaid participant through teledentistry). Dentists must bill either D9995 or D9996 and the CDT code(s) for services provided. Reimbursement to dental providers delivering the service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided. There is not a separate teledentistry fee schedule. The originating site (physical location of the participant) is where diagnostic data is collected to be communicated to an off-site dentist for diagnosis or where a dental service is performed. The originating site cannot bill MHD for CDT codes D9995 or D9996. The originating site can bill procedure code Q3014 on the CMS-1500 claim form to receive reimbursement for use of the facility where teledentistry services were rendered. The distant site service must be billed on the 2019 ADA Dental Claim Form with the CDT code (D9995 or D9996) and any additional services provided, using place of service code 02 – Telehealth.

Opioid Treatment Programs

Services may be provided via telehealth to enhance accessibility for individuals served.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulation, Title 9, Sec. 30-3.132, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

A telemedicine service shall be covered only if it is medically necessary.

A telemedicine service must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service. If the same standard of care cannot be met, a telemedicine service shall not be provided.

School Services. Prior to the provision of telemedicine services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for the provision of such service. Such authorization shall include the ability for a parent or guardian to authorize services via telemedicine in the school for the remainder of the school year.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(3), (4)(D), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Health Assessment and Coordination Services (DD Waiver)

Health Assessment and Coordination (HAC) services are consultative telemedicine services designed for individuals with I/DD receiving HCBS Waiver services. The services are intended to coordinate care with local emergency departments, urgent cares, and primary care physicians to enable real time support, consultation, and coordination on health issues. HAC services assist individuals, families, and support providers in understanding the health symptoms with which individuals present in order to identify the most appropriate next steps. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and include immediate evaluations, video-assisted examinations, treatment plans, and discussion and coordination with individuals and/or caregivers.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, DD Waiver, Sec. 6.14, p. 80 (9/1/23).  (Accessed Sept. 2023).


Any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telemedicine [or telehealth, as referred to in Rural Health Clinic manual] services if such services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telehealth/telemedicine services health care providers treating patients in this state, utilizing telehealth/telemedicine, must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet/ MHD provider prior to rendering services.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, Sec. 2.67 p. 112 (9/1/23), Provider Manual, Rural Health Clinics, Section 1.14, p. 9 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Any licensed health care provider may provide telemedicine services if such services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person. Additionally, a health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A).

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services, health care providers treating patients in this state via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

SOURCE:  MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19 p. 59 (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

MO HealthNet covers Telehealth services. MO HealthNet allows any licensed health care provider, enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider, to provide telehealth services if the services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed. The services must be provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

SOURCE:  MO Medicaid Provider Tips, Telehealth services, Jan. 11, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Reimbursement to the health care provider delivering the medical service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided. Use the appropriate CPT® code for the service along with place of service 02 (telemedicine).

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, Sec. 2.67, p. 112 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 60 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Distant site – a telemedicine site where the health care provider providing the telemedicine service is physically located.

See originating and distant site scenario examples in Reimbursement Scenarios document.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Originating and Distant Site Reimbursement Scenarios, & MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Anesthesiologist monitoring telemetry in the operating room is a non-covered service.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, p. 44 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Health care professional shall mean a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified by the state of Missouri to perform specified health services consistent with state law.

Health care provider or provider shall mean a health care professional or a health care facility.

Any licensed/enrolled health care professional shall be authorized to provide telemedicine services if such services to MHD participants are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person. This shall not prohibit a health care entity from reimbursing nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization.

A health care provider utilizing telemedicine at either a distant site or an originating site shall be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider pursuant to 13 CSR 65-2.020 and be fully licensed for practice in the state of Missouri. A health care provider utilizing telemedicine must do so in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of all laws governing the practice of the provider’s profession and shall be held to the same standard of care as a provider employing in-person behavioral health or medical health care.

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  • An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  • Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  • A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Most claims for services provided at the Distant Site (where the health care provider is located) are to billed with the appropriate Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for the service along with place of service 02. Exceptions to this include:

    • Claims for Distant Site services provided on school grounds should be billed with the appropriate CPT code for the service along with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.
    • Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Distant Site on School Grounds

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.

The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via telemedicine for a whole school year.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Rural Health Clinics (RHC)

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC provider number to receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the Telehealth services when operating as the originating site

RHCs may bill with either their non-RHC provider number or their RHC provider number.  The provider will use the appropriate procedure code for the service along with place of service 02 (Telehealth).

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Rural Health Clinic,  Sec. 1.14, p. 9 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

RHCs may use either their RHC provider number or their non-RHC provider number when operating as a distant site.

Use POS 02 when billing the distant site when you use your non-RHC provider number.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinics (FQHC)

FQHC providers must remove originating site charges and payments for telemedicine services from their year-end cost reports.

FQHC providers must leave the Rendering Provider ID field (24j on CMS-1500) blank on their claims when billing the Q3014 originating site facility charge.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).


When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, Sec. 2.67, p. 112 (9/1/23) & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19 p. 60 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC provider number to receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the Telehealth services when operating as the originating site.  Claims must be submitted with HCPCS code Q3014 (Telehealth originating site facility fee).

As the distant site, RHCs may bill with either their non-RHC provider number or their RHC provider number. The provider will use the appropriate procedure code for the service along with place of service 02 (Telehealth).

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Rural Health Clinic, Sec. 1.14, p. 9-10 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Originating site – a telemedicine site where the MO HealthNet participant receives the telemedicine service. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participants’ homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site.

See originating and distant site scenario examples in Reimbursement Scenarios document.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Originating and Distant Site Reimbursement Scenarios, & MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

Reimbursement to the health care providers delivering the medical service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided. Use the appropriate Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for the service along with place of service 02 when submitting telemedicine claims for the distant site.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The department shall not restrict the originating site through rule or payment so long as the provider can ensure services are rendered meeting the standard of care that would otherwise be expected should such services be provided in-person.  The department shall not restrict the originating site through rule or payment so long as the provider can ensure services are rendered meeting the standard of care that would otherwise be expected should such services be provided in person.  Payment for services rendered via telehealth shall not depend on any minimum distance requirement between the originating and distant site.  Reimbursement for telehealth services shall be made in the same way as reimbursement for in-person contact; however, consideration shall also be made for reimbursement to the originating site.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 208 Sec. 208.670. (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

No originating site for services or activities provided under this section shall be required to maintain immediate availability of on-site clinical staff during the telehealth services, except as necessary to meet the standard of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition if such condition is being treated by an eligible health care provider who is not at the originating site, has not previously seen the patient in-person in a clinical setting, and is not providing coverage for a health care provider who has an established relationship with the patient.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 191.1145(6). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Originating site shall mean a telemedicine site where the MO HealthNet participant receives the telemedicine service. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participants’ homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site.

School Services. Prior to the provision of telemedicine services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for the provision of such service. Such authorization shall include the ability for a parent or guardian to authorize services via telemedicine in the school for the remainder of the school year.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330, (Accessed Sept. 20223).

Most claims for services provided at the Distant Site (where the health care provider is located) are to billed with the appropriate Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for the service along with place of service 02. Exceptions to this include:

    • Claims for Distant Site services provided on school grounds should be billed with the appropriate CPT code for the service along with place of service 03 and a GT modifier.
    • Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located.

Claims for the Originating Site (where the patient is located) are billed with procedure code Q3014.

  • Q3014 cannot be billed when participant is receiving services at home

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Rural Health Clinics (RHC)

RHCs, both provider-based and independent, must continue to bill telemedicine services using their non-RHC provider number when operating as an originating site.

RHCs may use either their RHC provider number or their non-RHC provider number when operating as a distant site.

Use POS 02 when billing the distant site when you use your non-RHC provider number.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Originating site – Where the patient receiving telemedicine services is physically located.

Originating site fee and distant site services – Billable by same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site provider is not located in the originating site facility.

Place of Service – Use the appropriate Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for the service with place of service (POS) 02 when submitting telemedicine claims for the distant site.

Exceptions to billing POS 02 –

  • School Grounds: For distant site services provided on school grounds use POS 03 and GT modifier
  • Residential/Inpatient: Behavioral health services at POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61 must bill with the GT modifier and the POS where the participant is physically located.
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHCs): Bill with GT modifier for distant site services billed on the UB04 claim form.
    PBRHC/UB04 – Rev code + CPT + GT + billed charge
    IRHC/UB04 – Rev code + T1015 + GT

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Overview, (Accessed Sept. 2023).


Payment for services rendered via telehealth shall not depend on any minimum distance requirement between the originating and distant site.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 208 Sec. 208.670. (Accessed Sept. 2023).


The originating site is only eligible to receive a facility fee for the telemedicine service. Claims should be submitted with HCPCS code Q3014 (telemedicine originating site facility fee). Procedure code Q3014 is used by the originating site to receive reimbursement for the use of the facility while telehealth services are being rendered.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, 2.67 p. 114 (9/1/23); & MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19 p. 60 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC provider number to receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the Telehealth services when operating as the originating site. Claims must be submitted with HCPCS code Q3014 (Telehealth originating site facility fee).

SOURCE: Provider Manual, Rural Health Clinics, Section 1,14, p. 9 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).


 Costs and charges for the telehealth originating site fee reimbursed on a fee schedule shall be excluded when calculating the outpatient cost-to-charge ratios used to determine outpatient percentage rates starting with the calculation of the outpatient percentage rate for the SFY after the telehealth originating site fee is moved to a fee schedule.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Title 13, Sec. 70-15.160, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Outpatient Hospital Facility Fee Billing

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities.

The distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code and GT modifier.

The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site services on the medical claim form.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Telemedicine Billing PPT, Education and Training Unit, Revised July 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The originating site is eligible to receive an originating site/facility fee.

Reimbursement of the originating site fee will be made according to the MO HealthNet Fee Schedule.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(5), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

The originating site facility fee cannot be billed to MO HealthNet when the originating site is the participant’s home.

SOURCE:  MO Medicaid Provider Tips, Telemedicine, July 18, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Originating site fee and distant site services – Billable by same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site provider is not located in the originating site facility.

Q3014 – CPT code for originating site reimbursement for the use of the facility where telemedicine services are rendered. This code cannot be billed when the participant is receiving services at home.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Telemedicine Overview, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023


No later than July 1, 2022, there shall be established within the department a statewide telehealth network for forensic examinations of victims of sexual offenses in order to provide access to sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) or other similarly trained appropriate medical providers.  A statewide coordinator for the telehealth network shall be selected by the director of the department of health and senior services and shall have oversight responsibilities and provide support for the training programs offered by the network, as well as the implementation and operation of the network.  The statewide coordinator shall regularly consult with Missouri-based stakeholders and clinicians actively engaged in the collection of forensic evidence regarding the training programs offered by the network, as well as the implementation and operation of the network.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 192.2520 (Accessed Sept. 2023).

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  • An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  • Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  • A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  • The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  • Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

See regulation for special documentation and confidentiality and data integrity requirements.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(D) & (E), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Special documentation requirements apply.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 60 (9/1/23); MO HealthNet, Physician Manual, Sec. 2.67, p. 113 (9/1/23)MO HealthNet, Rural Health Clinic, Sec. 1.14, p. 10 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Precertification and Utilization Review

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made.

Certain procedures or services can require precertification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a precertification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same precertification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Behavioral Services, Section 1.19, p. 60 (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

School-based Therapy Services

Place of service school (03) must be used for services provided in a school or on school grounds. If a school district is providing telehealth services on school grounds, the GT modifier must be used.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Therapy Manual, p. 22 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

Out of State Providers

The provision prohibits MHD from making any payments for items or services provided under the State Plan or under a waiver to any financial institutions, telemedicine providers, pharmacies, or other entities located outside of the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. If it is discovered that payments have been made to financial institutions or entities outside of the previously stated approved regions, MHD must recover these payments.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, General Sections Manual, p. 35 (9/1/23), (Accessed Sept. 2023).

In order to treat participants in this state through the use of telemedicine, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in this state and shall be subject to regulation by their respective professional boards. In addition, psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

A health care provider utilizing telemedicine at either a distant site or an originating site shall be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider pursuant to 13 CSR 65-2.020 and be fully licensed for practice in the state of Missouri. A health care provider utilizing telemedicine must do so in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of all laws governing the practice of the provider’s profession and shall be held to the same standard of care as a provider employing in-person behavioral health or medical health care.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(2)(B) & (C), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Last updated 09/05/2023


Missouri Medicaid (HealthNet) will reimburse for services delivered via live video.  They will also reimburse for some tele-dentistry asynchronous services and remote patient monitoring for specific conditions.

HealthNet is also continuing to allow telephone for telehealth services and continuing to allow quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities.

Last updated 09/05/2023

Remote Patient Monitoring


Subject to appropriations, the department shall establish a statewide program that permits reimbursement under the MO HealthNet program for home telemonitoring services.

“Home telemonitoring service” shall mean a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant’s health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC).

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 208.686. (Accessed Sept. 2023).


The program shall:  Provide that home telemonitoring services are available only to persons who:  Are diagnosed with one or more of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction; or
  • Stroke

The beneficiary must also exhibit two or more the following risk factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period;
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions;
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens;
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period;
  • Limited or absent informal support systems;
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time;
  • A documented history of care access challenges; or
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 208.686. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

The Assistive Technology service is available in all four of the Developmental Disabilities Waiver.

Electronic support systems using on demand video and/or web-cameras or other technology is only available on an individual, case-by-case basis when an individual requests the service and the planning team agrees it is appropriate and meets the health and safety needs of the individual. Video and/or web-cameras shall not record an individual’s activities. Remote support technology may only be used with full consent of the individual and their guardian (if applicable), and with a completed review by a DMH approved due process committee to ensure the individual’s rights are being protected.   See manual for more details.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet, Provider Manual, Developmental Disabilities Waiver Manual, Section 6.2, p. 46 (9/1/23). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Home Health – Preventive Care

MO HealthNet home health does not allow coverage for preventive care. Preventive care includes these services:

  • Ongoing observation of a client’s condition without the provision of treatment or the adjustment of the plan/orders.
  • Repetitive nutrition and medication instruction.
  • Encouragement to increase physical activity.
  • Monitoring to ensure compliance with a treatment regimen.

The above mentioned services are considered preventive because they are meant to help a patient avoid complications or setbacks. Regardless, they do not constitute the provision of therapeutic services and are not MO HealthNet covered services.

SOURCE: MO HealthNet Provider Manual: Home Health 2.20, p. 44 (9/1/23).  (Accessed Sept. 2023).


Provider must ensure that clinical information gathered by a home health agency or hospital while providing home telemonitoring services is shared with the participant’s physician.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 208.686. (Accessed Sept. 2023)


Provider must ensure that the program does not duplicate any disease management program services provided by MO HealthNet.

If, after implementation, the department determines that the program established under this section is not cost effective, the department may discontinue the program and stop providing reimbursement under the MO HealthNet program for home telemonitoring services.

The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 208.686. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

Store and Forward


Reimbursement for asynchronous store-and-forward may be capped at the reimbursement rate had the service been provided in-person.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 208 Sec. 208.670. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant’s clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant’s treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.

Distant site shall mean a telemedicine site where the health care provider providing the telemedicine service is physically located.

Originating site shall mean a telemedicine site where the MO HealthNet participant receives the telemedicine service. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participants’ homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site.

Licensed health care provider-patient relationship shall mean that a health care provider licensed under Chapter 334, RSMo, and/or other providers utilizing telemedicine, shall ensure that a properly established provider-patient relationship exists with the participant who receives telemedicine services.

Telemedicine shall mean the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies that facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a participant’s health care while such participant is at the originating site and the provider is at the distant site. Telemedicine shall also include the use of telephonic or asynchronous store-and-forward technology. Telemedicine services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service.

Health care professional shall mean a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified by the state of Missouri to perform specified health services consistent with state law.

Health care provider or provider shall mean a health care professional or a health care facility.

Health care service shall mean a service for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease, including but not limited to the provision of drugs or durable medical equipment.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(1), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 



MHD covers teledentistry services for participants under the age of 21, blind, pregnant or in a SNF. This benefit allows any licensed dental provider, enrolled with MO HealthNet, to provide teledentistry services if the services are within the scope of practice for which the dental provider is licensed. Teledentistry services must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service.

Prior to the delivery of teledentistry services in a school, the parent or guardian of the child shall provide authorization for such service. The authorization shall include the ability for the parent or guardian to authorize services via teledentistry in the school for the remainder of the school year.

The MO HealthNet Dental Program allows reimbursement for CDT codes D9995 (Synchronous; real time encounter) and D9996 (Asynchronous; information stored and forwarded to dentist for subsequent review).

Teledentistry services must be billed by the distant site facility (physical location of the dentist or clinic providing the dental service to an eligible Medicaid participant through teledentistry). Dentists must bill either D9995 or D9996 and the CDT code(s) for services provided. Reimbursement to dental providers delivering the service at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service provided. There is not a separate teledentistry fee schedule. The originating site (physical location of the participant) is where diagnostic data is collected to be communicated to an off-site dentist for diagnosis or where a dental service is performed. The originating site cannot bill MHD for CDT codes D9995 or D9996. The originating site can bill procedure code Q3014 on the CMS-1500 claim form to receive reimbursement for use of the facility where teledentistry services were rendered. The distant site service must be billed on the 2019 ADA Dental Claim Form with the CDT code (D9995 or D9996) and any additional services provided, using place of service code 02 – Telehealth.

Health care service shall mean a service for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease, including but not limited to the provision of drugs or durable medical equipment.

A telemedicine service shall be covered only if it is medically necessary.

A telemedicine service must be performed with the same standard of care as an in-person, face-to-face service. If the same standard of care cannot be met, a telemedicine service shall not be provided.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330(B)(8) & (3), (Accessed Sept. 2023). 


No Reference Found


No Reference Found

Last updated 09/05/2023

Cross State Licensing

In order to treat patients in this state through the use of telemedicine or telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in this state and shall be subject to regulation by their respective professional boards.

Does not apply to:

  • Informal consultation performed by a health care provider licensed in another state, outside of the context of a contractual relationship, and on an irregular or infrequent basis without the expectation or exchange of direct or indirect compensation;
  • Furnishing of health care services by a health care provider licensed and located in another state in case of an emergency or disaster; provided that, no charge is made for the medical assistance; or
  • Episodic consultation by a health care provider licensed and located in another state who provides such consultation services on request to a physician in this state.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 191 Sec. 191.1145. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023


“Telehealth” or “telemedicine”, the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site.  Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store-and-forward technology.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 191.1145. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Licensing of Physicians and Surgeons

Telehealth means the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve the health status of a patient.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulation. Title 20, 2150-2.001. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

Licensure Compacts

Member of Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact.

SOURCE: PSYPACT Website.  (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of Physical Therapy Compact.

SOURCE: PT Compact Map.  (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of Nurses Licensure Compact.

SOURCE: Nurse Licensure Compact. Current NLC States and Status.  NCSBN.  (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Member of The Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice.

SOURCE: The Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact.

SOURCE: Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of the Audiology and Speech-language Pathology Interstate Compact.

SOURCE: ASPL Compact. Compact Map. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of the Counseling Compact

SOURCE: Counseling Compact, Compact Map, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of Social Work Compact

SOURCE: Social Work Compact, Compact Map, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Member of Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

SOURCE: Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Compact Map, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

* See Compact websites for implementation and license issuing status and other related requirements.

Last updated 09/05/2023


Telehealth Dental Pilot Project in Medically Underserved Populations

Pursuant to the provisions of section 332.325, RSMo, the board is collaborating with the Office of Dental Health (ODH) within the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to create a pilot project designed to examine new methods of extending dental care to residents in assisted living facilities, intermediate care facilities, residential care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, and homebound special needs patients.  Specific provisions of sections 332.093 and 332.098, RSMo, and 20 CSR 2110-2.120 in order to allow a dentist to supervise a dental assistant, certified dental assistant, or expanded functions dental assistant using telehealth technology.  See regulation for additional details.

SOURCE:  20 CSR 2110-2.133, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Utilization of telehealth by nurses

No later than January 1, 2014, there is hereby established within the state board of registration for the healing arts and the state board of nursing the “Utilization of Telehealth by Nurses”. An advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) providing nursing services under a collaborative practice arrangement under section 334.104 may provide such services outside the geographic proximity requirements of section 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth in the care of the patient and if the services are provided in a rural area of need.  Telehealth providers shall be required to obtain patient consent before telehealth services are initiated and ensure confidentiality of medical information.

The boards shall jointly promulgate rules governing the practice of telehealth under this section. Such rules shall address, but not be limited to, appropriate standards for the use of telehealth.

Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2013, shall be invalid and void.

SOURCE: MO Annotated Statute, Title 22, Sec. 335.175, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

No later than July 1, 2022, there shall be established within the department a statewide telehealth network for forensic examinations of victims of sexual offenses in order to provide access to sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) or other similarly trained appropriate medical providers. A statewide coordinator for the telehealth network shall be selected by the director of the department of health and senior services and shall have oversight responsibilities and provide support for the training programs offered by the network, as well as the implementation and operation of the network. The statewide coordinator shall regularly consult with Missouri-based stakeholders and clinicians actively engaged in the collection of forensic evidence regarding the training programs offered by the network, as well as the implementation and operation of the network.  See statute for further details.

SOURCE: MO Annotated Statute, Title 12, Sec. 192.2520 (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Beginning January 1, 2023, or no later than six months after the establishment of the statewide telehealth network under section 192.2520, whichever is later, any hospital licensed under this chapter shall perform a forensic examination using an evidentiary collection kit upon the request and consent of the victim of a sexual offense, or the victim’s guardian, when the victim is at least fourteen years of age.  In the case of minor consent, the provisions of subsection 2 of section 595.220 shall apply.  Victims under fourteen years of age shall be referred, and victims fourteen years of age or older but less than eighteen years of age may be referred, to a SAFE CARE provider, as such term is defined in section 334.950, for medical or forensic evaluation and case review.  Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to preclude a hospital from performing a forensic examination for a victim under fourteen years of age upon the request and consent of the victim or victim’s guardian, subject to the provisions of section 595.220 and the rules promulgated by the department of public safety.  See statute for further details.

SOURCE: MO Annotated Statute, 197.135, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/12/2023

Online Prescribing

Signing a blank prescription form; or dispensing, prescribing, administering or otherwise distributing any drug, controlled substance or other treatment without sufficient examination including failing to establish a valid physician-patient relationship pursuant to section 334.108, or for other than medically accepted therapeutic or experimental or investigative purposes duly authorized by a state or federal agency, or not in the course of professional practice, or not in good faith to relieve pain and suffering, or not to cure an ailment, physical infirmity or disease, except as authorized in section 334.104.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statutes § 334.100(4)(h). (Accessed Sept. 2023).

A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

  • In order to establish a physician-patient relationship through telemedicine:
    • The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination has been performed in person; and
    • Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions or physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the internet or telephone, does not constitute an acceptable medical interview and examination for the provision of treatment by telehealth.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Ch. 191 Sec. 191.1146. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Prior to prescribing any drug, controlled substance, or other treatment through telemedicine, as defined in section 191.1145, or the internet, a physician shall establish a valid physician-patient relationship as described in section 191.1146.  This relationship shall include:

  • Obtaining a reliable medical history and performing a physical examination of the patient, adequate to establish the diagnosis for which the drug is being prescribed and to identify underlying conditions or contraindications to the treatment recommended or provided;
  • Having sufficient dialogue with the patient regarding treatment options and the risks and benefits of treatment or treatments;
  • If appropriate, following up with the patient to assess the therapeutic outcome;
  • Maintaining a contemporaneous medical record that is readily available to the patient and, subject to the patient’s consent, to the patient’s other health care professionals; and
  • Maintaining the electronic prescription information as part of the patient’s medical record.

The requirements of subsection 1 (see above) may be satisfied by the prescribing physician’s designee when treatment is provided in:

  • A hospital;
  • A hospice program;
  • Home health services provided by a home health agency;
  • Accordance with a collaborative practice agreement;
  • Conjunction with a physician assistant licensed;
  • Conjunction with an assistant physician;
  • Consultation with another physician who has an ongoing physician-patient relationship with the patient, and who has agreed to supervise the patient’s treatment, including use of any prescribed medications; or
  • On-call or cross-coverage situations.

No health care provider shall prescribe any drug, controlled substance, or other treatment to a patient based solely on an evaluation over the telephone; except that, a physician or such physician’s on-call designee, or an advanced practice registered nurse, a physician assistant, or an assistant physician in a collaborative practice arrangement with such physician may prescribe any drug, controlled substance, or other treatment that is within his or her scope of practice to a patient based solely on a telephone evaluation if a previously established and ongoing physician-patient relationship exists between such physician and the patient being treated.

No health care provider shall prescribe any drug, controlled substance, or other treatment to a patient based solely on an internet request or an internet questionnaire.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Sec. 334.108. (Accessed Sept. 2023).

 “Remote dispensing site pharmacy”, any location in this state where the practice of pharmacy occurs and that is licensed as a pharmacy to dispense prescription drugs and is staffed by one or more qualified pharmacy technicians, as defined by the board, or intern pharmacists, whose activities are supervised by a pharmacist at a supervising pharmacy through a continuous real-time audio and video link.  “Remote dispensing site pharmacy” does not include the office of a dispensing prescriber or an automated device.

A remote dispensing site pharmacy shall be located at least ten miles from an existing retail pharmacy unless:

  • The remote dispensing site pharmacy is part of a community mental health center, federally qualified health center, rural health clinic, or outpatient clinic setting; or
  • An applicant of a proposed remote dispensing site pharmacy demonstrates to the board how the proposed remote dispensing site pharmacy will promote public health.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statutes Sec. 338.215, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

HealthNet Medicaid Program

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  • The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  • Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulations, Title 13 Sec. 70-3.330, (Accessed Sept. 2023). 

Mental Health – Division of Behavioral Health Community Treatment Program

For purposes of the provision of all services via telemedicine and audio-only, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  • An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination; or
  • Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the individual’s care; or
  • A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship via telemedicine and/or audio-only for all services:

  • The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  • Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements Post Federal Declaration of Public Health Emergency (PHE)

  • Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months.
  • All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.

SOURCE:  MO Division of Behavioral Health, Community Treatment Program, July 8, 2022, (Accessed Sept. 2023).

Last updated 09/05/2023

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